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การใช้งาน - Ground Water Rule

Application Overview  

The EPA issued the Ground Water Rule to improve your drinking water quality and provide additional protection from disease-causing microorganisms.

Water systems that have ground water sources may be susceptible to fecal contamination. In many cases, fecal contamination can contain disease causing pathogens. The Ground Water Rule will provide increased protection against microbial pathogens.

The Ground Water Rule will apply to public water systems that serve ground water. The rule also applies to any system that mixes surface and ground water if the ground water is added directly to the distribution system and provided to consumers without treatment.

For more information, visit: EPA Website – Ground Water Rule Homepage new window

Product Spotlight  

  • EPA approved for continuous chlorine monitoring
  • Minimal routine maintenance required
  • Colorimetric DPD chemistry - fast, reliable, economical
  • Unattended operation up to 30 days