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HR Manganese Chemkey Reagents (box of 25)

HR Manganese Chemkey Reagents (box of 25)
สินค้า: 3007000
Ships within 6-8 weeks

Less Variability

Automation and internal temperature control make the entire process consistent and repeatable, while applying the same processes as current Hach methods. Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability, even when performed by experienced testers.

Less Hassle

All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey. There are no powder pillows or glass vials to handle.


เครื่องตรวจวัด: SL1000
จำนวนการทดสอบ: 25
ช่วง: 0.10 - 25.0 mg/L Mn
ปริมาณ: pk/25
พารามิเตอร์: แมงกานีส