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Groundwater Monitoring

What is groundwater?


Groundwater contained in aquifers is one of the most abundant water sources for drinking water facilities. Unlike surface water, groundwater is filtered through rock, soil, and sand, which helps remove organic material and disease-causing organisms. However, it is still essential to treat groundwater for added health protection.

In 2006, the EPA implemented the Ground Water Rule (GWR), which requires small systems to disinfect their groundwater source water to provide additional protection against microbial pathogens. Generally, groundwater is low on organic matter, which makes disinfection byproducts formation less of a concern.

The EPA Ground Water Rule improves drinking water quality and provides additional protection from disease-causing microorganisms.


What is the Ground Water Rule (GWR)?


The EPA issued the Ground Water Rule to improve your drinking water quality and provide additional protection from disease-causing microorganisms. Water systems that have ground water sources may be susceptible to fecal contamination. In many cases, fecal contamination can contain disease-causing pathogens. The Ground Water Rule provides increased protection against these microbial pathogens, most common under GWUDI conditions where surface water recharges aquifer.

The Ground Water Rule applies to public water systems that treat ground water. The rule also applies to any system that mixes surface and ground water if the ground water is added directly to the distribution system and is provided to consumers without treatment.

The size and technology affect how compliance monitoring requirements impact your utility so reference the EPA here for exact details.

Click here for more information on the Ground Water Rule.


Why test groundwater?


Monitoring ground water will make you more prepared to optimize coagulation and flocculation treatment.Groundwater is typically low on natural organic matter (NOM); however, it may still require treatment with coagulants to remove colloidal particles present after natural filtration through the layers of soil. In some situations, groundwater does not require additional filtration. However, besides the potential for bacterial contamination, groundwater, especially under the direct influence of surface waters (GWUDI), may contain compounds that, while not harmful for human consumption, can provide treatment challenges to some systems, (especially those using chlorine for the first time), e.g. Nitrate, Iron and Manganese.

With analytical testing, you can:

  • Optimize coagulation/flocculation treatment
  • Establish a chlorine disinfection strategy
  • Achieve accurate chlorine measurements given known interferences
  • Comply with the EPA Ground Water Rule


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Explore Methods and Parameters



Which Options are Right for You?

Monitoring source water can help you achieve a more efficient treatment process.Your facility is required to monitor your groundwater for the presence of harmful contaminants and to disinfect. Monitoring your source water can help your facility optimize the treatment process and efficiently respond to uncertainties, helping contribute to lower operating costs and higher quality drinking water. Whatever your needs, Hach is ready to help with information, technology, and support.


Explore the various parameters and methods for source water monitoring below.



Ammonia levels can reach several mg/L in groundwater systems, especially those located in agricultural areas. The ammonia levels can change seasonally and need to be monitored. The ammonia will react with chlorine to form chloramines, creating an uncontrolled chloraminated water. The uncontrolled chloramination can cause taste and odor issues and possible nitrification problems in the distribution system. The standard salicylate method can be used to determine ammonia levels in the unchlorinated water.

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Free Chlorine

Ammonia in groundwater can be destroyed by taking the water through breakpoint chlorination. Free chlorine is added to the water to convert all the ammonia into chloramines. The further addition of free chlorine converts or "breaks" the chloramines down into nitrogen gas and other volatile species leaving only free chlorine as the residual disinfectant. The standard DPD Free Chlorine method can be used to determine when the desired free chlorine residual is reached. Free chlorine also causes iron and manganese to form insoluble precipitates, which can be removed by filtration but may interfere with DPD chemistry. Use the Indophenol No-interference Method 10241 to measure free chlorine residual when iron or manganese is present.

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Total Chlorine

Test for total chlorine to determine total disinfectant residual levels. The total chlorine concentration is required by most regulatory agencies for compliance reporting purposes. Use the total chlorine concentration for calculating the CT credits and optimizing the treatment process. Select the DPD Total Chlorine method that adequately covers the expected chlorine concentration range and gives the test sensitivity and concentration resolution desired. The method required may change depending upon the sampling point within the treatment system. The titration methods are easily adapted to meet the test ranges required in treatment process.

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Iron is present in most ground waters and is considered a secondary contaminant with maximum contaminant level (MCL) = 0.3 mg/L. The level of naturally occurring iron in a groundwater remains nearly constant and is usually present as ferrous iron (soluble form). When the ferrous iron reaches the surface it is oxidized by air to the ferric form giving the characteristic red water color and precipitating to give the red rust-colored stains on equipment and plumbing fixtures. Iron can also occur as the result of corrosion of well pipes or as the result of iron-reducing bacteria. Any sudden change in the iron concentration may indicate pipe or equipment corrosion, the presence of iron reducing bacteria or changes to the aquifer itself from seismic events, well infiltration or new drilling or fracturing activities in close proximity of the groundwater source. Use FerroVer Iron method for the routine checking for the presence of iron. The TPTZ method may be used for low level iron testing.

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Manganese is present in most ground waters especially when iron is present, and is considered a secondary contaminant with maximum contaminant level (MCL) = 0.05 mg/L. At concentration levels above the MCL, it causes black stains on plumbing fixtures, laundry and other items in contact with the water. Use the extremely sensitive PAN method to determine manganese levels.

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The pH of groundwater varies widely throughout the various regions of the world. Monitor the pH of the groundwater to determine the pH adjustments that are required to give the optimum pH range for chlorine disinfection. While the pH of groundwater remains essentially constant, monitoring of the pH is also a surrogate method to quickly detect any intentional or unintentional events that have occurred to the groundwater source, especially if it is under influence of surface water (GWUDI).

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Sulfide/Hydrogen Sulfide

Toxic hydrogen sulfide is produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic material and sulfate reducing bacteria. It is characterized by a very noticeable rotten-egg odor. It is mainly found in groundwater supplies. It contributes to the chlorine demand of a raw water source and is easily removed by aeration or by the addition of chlorine.

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Chlorine Demand

Chlorine demand is a measure of the amount of chlorine consumed by a source water after a fixed time at a fixed pH and temperature. Organic materials, ferrous iron, reduced manganese, sulfide and ammonia are examples of species that consume chlorine during the disinfection process. A high chlorine demand suggests that disinfection by-products may form if the demand is due to organics, such as natural organic matter (NOM). Chloramines may be formed when ammonia is present and sulfides produced by sulfate reducing bacteria will add to the chlorine demand. The chlorine demand test can be modified to use the specific conditions of your source water or to investigate the demand from alternative groundwater sources.

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Nitrate (NO 3)

Nitrate is a regulated contaminant with 10 mg/L maximum contaminant level (MCL) often found in agricultural areas due to the use of fertilizers. Monitor your sources for nitrate because treatment is difficult and may require RO filtration.

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Nitrite (NO 2)

Monitor your sources for nitrite as it may be present in the source and gets oxidized during treatment to produce nitrate.

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Mainly, groundwater facilities aim to remove dissolved metals and/or TOC with pre-oxidation, ion-exchange, or membrane treatment. However, some utilities may employ chemical treatment with coagulants. If your water source requires additional treatment with coagulants to remove colloidal particles, you can use advanced monitoring and optimization tools available from Hach.

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Hach's Measurement Solution for the EPA Ground Water Rule

Learn about Hach's solution for monitoring chlorine online to satisfy the EPA Ground Water Rule.




Additional Resources


Discover how an integrated panel for surface water monitoring can improve your monitoring process.
Discover how an integrated panel for surface water monitoring can improve your monitoring process.

The benefits of an integrated panel for source water monitoring

Monitoring source water not only gives an early indication of potential problems, but also provides information to optimize treatment plant performance. Learn how an integrated panel will improve your monitoring process.


Learn how to keep your drinking water plant’s coagulation and filtration process operating at optimum efficiency in this AWWA manual.
Learn how to keep your drinking water plant’s coagulation and filtration process operating at optimum efficiency in this AWWA manual.

Purchase the AWWA Manual on Coagulation and Filtration Processes

This AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices is designed to help you keep your treatment plant’s coagulation and filtration processes operating at optimum efficiency.


Learn how to keep your drinking water plant’s coagulation and filtration process operating at optimum efficiency in this AWWA manual. The AWWA Water Treatment Operator’s Training Handbook is a complete introduction to water treatment operations and equipment.
Learn how to keep your drinking water plant’s coagulation and filtration process operating at optimum efficiency in this AWWA manual. The AWWA Water Treatment Operator’s Training Handbook is a complete introduction to water treatment operations and equipment.

Purchase the Water Treatment Operator's Training Handbook

AWWA's most popular training handbook for water treatment operators, this handy guide provides a complete introduction to water treatment operations and equipment. It's an excellent resource when studying for your certification exam.





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