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การใช้งาน - Source Water Monitoring

Application Overview  

Source Water Monitoring

Source water can be vulnerable to accidental or intentional contaminants and weather related or seasonal changes. Monitoring the quality of your incoming source water enables you to anticipate changes to the treatment process that are needed to react to storms, algal blooms, industrial discharge, chemical spills, reservoir stratification/destratification, construction activity, sewage spills and other natural or man-made occurrences. 


Ground Water

Groundwater is the source water for the majority of small drinking water facilities.  
The implementation of the Ground Water Rule is requiring many of the small systems to disinfect the groundwater to provide additional microbial protection. Groundwaters are usually low in organic matter, which makes disinfection byproduct formation not of concern.  Groundwater, however, does contain compounds that, while not harmful for human consumption, can provide treatment challenges to systems that are using chlorine for the first time.

With analytical testing, you can:

  • Establish a chlorine disinfection strategy
  • Achieve accurate free chlorine measurements given known interferences
  • Comply with the Ground Water Rule

Surface Water  

Surface Water

Surface water is the source water for the majority of people served with potable water. Surface water generally includes lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Because surface water is exposed to natural and man-made influences, it has a broader exposure to organic matter responsible for disinfection byproduct formation.

With analytical testing, you can:

  • Determine the best disinfection strategy based on your unique source water
  • Control the process in real-time based on source water conditions
  • Establish a baseline for tracking DBP removal

Blending of Source Waters  

Blended source Water

Blending is the mixing of two or more source waters. Blending can include a raw source water or treated water and is a strategy chosen due to water availability or to achieve certain water quality objectives. This section focuses on parameters needed when treated waters are used in blending and only parameters that affect the disinfection process.

With analytical testing, you can:

  • Prevent unexpected water quality issues
  • Meet water quality objectives of blending
  • Keep DBPs in check

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